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Paint your own sunshine


We certainly haven't seen a hint of spring or summer and the wet, gloomy weather has been relentless. So, I decided to paint my own sunshine. Ive placed it in the brightest part of the house, so I can stare blissfully at it and manifest the real thing into being!

The different tints and hues of the yellows I have used are really beautiful and uplifting and it got me thinking of some of my favourite artists who have used this splendid colour in abundance.

First up...

Vincent Van Gogh

Vinny looooovvvvved yellow!

When I was younger, I never really appreciated VG's work as I only ever got to see it in print, however, on visiting the lovely city of Amsterdam, The Van Gogh museum was an absolute must. W O W !!! I was blown away. The paintings were incredible and I had an existential moment. (I hadn't even been in a famous "coffee shop" first!)

Anyway as far as I can remember, he was one of the first artists to paint almost monochromatic paintings in yellow. This painting has touches of green, dabs of orange, but it is mostly yellow.

The shades of yellow that van Gogh chose were: yellow ocher, chrome yellow and cadmium yellow. The last two colours are considered toxic and it's unclear if he used the colour yellow because of vision problems or because he liked to drink Absinthe which may have caused mild hallucinations. It could just be because of his mood and self expression.

What do you think?

Ok, next up...

Gustav Klimt

All that glistens is not gold, ‘The Kiss’ by Gustav Klimt shimmers with hues of yellow. Painted in 1907 - the height of his “Golden Period”, 'The Kiss' depicts a couple wrapped in a loving embrace. Not only is this painting the most loved and celebrated of Klimt’s paintings, but also probably one of the most controversial, due to its erotic nature at the time.

Klimt was pioneer of Symbolism, depicting mystical motifs and gestures, expressing visible and sensual illustrations characterised by bold decorative pattern, colour, line, and gold leaf. He certainly knew how to get a rise from his viewers, especially male ones! (sorry, just rude!)

and finally...

Mark Rothko

Visiting the Tate Modern many years ago to view the incredible 'Rothko' exhibition, left me speechless. The sheer size of his work and the connection I felt as I gazed into his paintings, was breathtaking and one of the most moving exhibitions I have ever seen. But as I have a yellow theme going here, I want to focus one painting in particular.

"Orange and Yellow" in which two rectangles are set within a background that surrounds yet divides them from one another. The edges of the rectangles are indistinct which allows the viewers’ eyes to move gently from one area to another in a contemplative way.

He applied numerous layers of thin paint with a brush or rag to unprepared canvas, which absorbed the colours into its fabric. The thin washes create light and they appear to glow from within. The colours express the emotions he felt while painting and feel almost spiritual.

He once said of his work,

“The people who weep before my pictures are having the same religious experience I had when I painted them.

Oh how I did weep!

My other favourite artists who use mega doses of yellow in their work are, Egon Schiele (oh my days!) and Patrick Heron (he went to our local school), and Anish Kapoor. (immersive and spectacular). My list could go on and on...

So, of these three works, which resonates with you the most?

What shades of yellow and brands do you prefer to use in your work?

Who is your favourite painter of yellow?

Maybe you hate yellow... Whaaaaat?

I would love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading, I hope you found it interesting.



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